How We Got Here

As a family with two young kids, our attention has turned to anything that will help them (and us) to live happier and healthier lives. When Leah was pregnant with our son, we became aware of how many toxins and chemicals can cause inflammation in our bodies and reduce our ability to carry out important processes while mucking up our internal systems. We had a difficult time finding the information, resources, and support that we needed to identify the problems in our environment and make the changes we desired. We had to do extensive research just to find information and products we could trust.

As we dug deeper into this topic and learned more over the years, we realized how much control we have in our exposure to these inflammatory ways. Over time we learned how to integrate many low toxic ways into our lives. We know that we there are massive benefits in living a low toxic lifestyle for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the planet. Now we want to share what we have learned in order to dramatically improve quality of life for so many others.

Vong Family

Meet Leah

I’m Leah, a health and wellness coach with a background in occupational and manual therapy. I now work as a holistic health practitioner helping women to improve their quality of life by supporting them in taking control of their health, healing their gut, and taking action towards living their optimal life. Toxins have a major impact on our gut health and the health of our body as a whole, and decreasing toxic exposure in each person’s life is an important piece in the healing process.

Improving the quality of your environment is important because this stress on our bodies can limit us from living at our full potential. Even if we are not “sick”, much of our energy goes towards eliminating toxins and dealing with the stress that they cause on the body, preventing us from being able to cope with other stressors in our lives. In short, our buckets become overloaded and overflow leading to distress, dis-ease, and illness. Our body’s resources simply become maxed out and we are unable to focus on more fun, inspiring, and joyful parts of life.

To learn more about my coaching programs go to

Meet Cheung

As a graphic and web designer, I have spent a lot of time in front of a computer and realize the impact it can have on our health and well-being. As my wife, Leah, delved into learning about low toxic products and ways of living, I became increasingly more aware of the detrimental effects of wireless devices and so many of the electronics and devices that I surround myself with everyday. I eventually began to see that so many of these devices can still be a part of my life (I must be connected!) and in a way that is not harmful.

With technology rapidly growing at an exponential rate, the convenience of having everything at our fingertips may come at a price to our health and quality of life. It’s almost impossible to avoid some of these new advances in technology and modern living, but we can be more mindful about how we use them by trying to minimize direct exposure whenever possible and utilizing specific setup techniques. My internet is faster now than ever and I am able to stay just as connected and eliminate many distractions with some of the changes we have made.


We are so grateful that you are taking the time to read this information and hope that you find it useful and empowering in your life and for your community. We believe that if enough people become empowered to live a healthy lifestyle that the planet as a whole will be quite different.

The products that we invest in that are low toxic are beneficial in supporting a healthier planet while the products that are full of chemicals and toxins are not only often involved in a toxic manufacturing process but also will go back to the earth at some point and add even more chemicals to the already toxic soup that exists. It is impossible to separate our health as humans from that of the planet we live on, so we absolutely have to take care of this place we call home.

We need a healthy environment to grow clean food, drink clean water, and breathe clean air, and I believe it is crucial to try in any way we can to live in symbiosis with the earth rather than the more common practices of depleting it. With awareness, small changes in our lives, conscientious buying practices, and the power of our dollars together we can make a big difference in the world we live in. Thank you for being part of this change!