For specific DIY recipes download our Free Ultimate Low Toxic Home Checklist and it comes with bonus DIY cleaning recipes!

There are many low toxic DIY natural cleaners that can be made simply and cheaply and that do a wonderful job cleaning. You will save money on expensive cleaners and low toxify your home at the same time.

Distilled white vinegar can be used for many things.

  • We use organic distilled white vinegar for our multipurpose spray cleaners since we breathe that in (this was hard to find – whole foods has it in their 365 brand), but we use cheap, conventional distilled white vinegar for soaking new fabrics, mopping the floors, and if we add it into our laundry washes.
  • We use vinegar in place of toxic bleach to sanitize in our kitchen, bathrooms and pretty much everywhere. My sister jokes that I’m like the Windex guy from the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” – I spray vinegar on everything. It kills many pathogens, so it is essential in our kitchen.
  • Helps with odors
  • We put water and vinegar in our carpet shampooer in place of the carpet shampoo
  • We use a water and vinegar mix for dusting and cleaning windows and mirrors
  • Vinegar is great for cleaning the floors when mixed with hot water
  • Check out our blog post on Low Toxic Laundry for some great laundry tips.

Baking soda is an amazing cleaner.

  • Baking soda can be used in combination with liquid castille soap, such as Dr. Bronners, and essential oils to make a soft scrub bathroom cleaner. I use this for sinks, tubs, and toilets.
  • Baking soda is great for removing odors in a room, in furniture, or in your refrigerator.

Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to get out bloodstains.

  • Works best if the stain has not set in, so we recommend to treat immediately if possible.

Essential oils

  • Many sanitize or remove bad pathogens and add a wonderful scent at the same time.
  • These are my top 3 for cleaning, but there are so many others
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Lavender
  • Tea tree oil/ Melaluca

Boiling water

  • Can remove berry and wine stains if caught early. Simply heat the water in your tea kettle and slowly pour over the stain until it disappears.