Hi there! We believe in complete transparency on our website.

We provide information to our readers and recommend products that we have researched and used ourselves. Some of the products may contain affiliate links which means we will get a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. This comes at no additional cost to you and in some cases, you may receive an additional discount. These affiliate links are what allows us to keep this website up and continue to provide this valuable information to you for free.

There is a lack of information being provided to the public about the toxins and chemicals that are entering and impacting our bodies and environment in a harmful way. Our goal at Low Toxic Lifestyle is to provide you with honest advice and information on the best low toxic practices and products available so you can take action to decrease this exposure and improve quality of life for yourself and your loved ones.

There is constantly new and changing information coming out about the products we use on a daily basis that may be causing more harm than good in our lives. There are many practical and often affordable products and strategies that you can implement in order to enjoy your life in a low toxic way. We research to find the best and safest options to save you time and energy so you can worry less and enjoy more.

Many Blessings,

Leah & Cheung